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Two-time Boston Music Award Winner in the "Best Punk Band"
category (2010 & 2011)
Boston Phoenix Best Music Poll "Punk Band" 2011
DCDR is:
Matt Reppucci - Vocals/Guitar
Chris Wolz- Bass, Songwriter
Travis Tenney- Drums
"DCDR have found a few musical truths about themselves to be self-evident: they're fast, they're unapologetic, and they're at their best when capitalizing on a combination of the two. The self-labeled grunge-punk trio doesn't try to pigeonhole their sound for the sake of lofty industry ambitions, and they continue to play the kind of rock and roll they fell in love with..." - Hilary Jane Hughes, The Phoenix
"DCDRare, more or less, a Boston band that's allergic to bullshit —" - HJH
NEW MUSIC: "Zombie Girl"
Produced at Devotion Recording, Released on Ocelot Records
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